0406 733 177       atif@procleannsw.com.au       6 Acres Pl Bligh Park NSW 2756, Australia


Maintaining a clean and sanitary office environment is a mandatory requirement for any business today. Beyond providing a safe and healthy place of work for your employees, the cleanliness of your office is also a marked reflection of your business for clients, colleagues and visitors.

At PROCLEAN NSW, we understand how important it is to maintain impeccable standards of cleanliness in your office building. Our office cleaners have been servicing offices around NSW with good expericence, and we realise that your commercial cleaning needs may be completely different and unique to other office buildings around town. We also know that you need someone that you can trust, implicitly, with your office cleaning requirements.

We take measures to ensure your confidence.

Our company is insured and bonded, and all of our employees go through stringent screening and training for your peace of mind.